God provides in South Carolina, too

Since 2006 or so, our family has had the chance to participate in homeschool sports.  In NY, we enjoyed first HIS Soccer and HIS Baseball, and later Scarlet Knights. 

The big thing Johanna asked for as we relocated last year was to play soccer again.  The stupid lockdown kept her from playing in fall 2020 and we were delighted when the LORD quickly and gently pointed us to Upwards Soccer last summer.

Katriel decided she would play this year as well.  After a few weeks of practices on Tuesday nights, today was their first game.



I’m not sure what the score was for either game…

but we all WON as far as I am concerned.

Every practice and every game is started with prayer.  Half way through every practice and half way through every game the teams sit for a devotion.  Last year we worked through James and this year they are working through characteristics of God.

PTL for biblically directed sports. 

Busy day–Fun day. Soccer and night out in FI.

Johanna had a full day. She had a soccer game at noon. (Noon in South Carolina ☀️☀️☀️. ) And then had Adopt-A-Road clean up with her American Heritage Girls troop at 3PM.

Village night out rounded out the day. ♥

I love being busy again! But I bet she sleeps tonight!!



After an early dinner, we headed down to Fountain Inn Main Street.

There was a tribute to Fountain Inn Fire Fighters tonight in our little town as a local furniture and electronics retailer hosted “Bike Night.” The Hoyts met us there and Marguerite  and I made up for missing our annual 4th of July photo. We were dressed for Patriot Day – so it worked out.










Another soccer player–Johanna

One of the things Johanna asked God for was a place to play soccer. 
It was just one of those things – where a click leads to a connection and VOILA here we are.  About 20 minutes west of us a local church has embraced their Upward Sports Ministry.  They had such an outpouring of interest they were able to have more teams than ever before and spread practices over two nights.  She is on Monday nights with her team – Courage.  Half way through the night the director leads a devotion.  This year they are doing devotions inspired from the book of James. 

I am so grateful for God’s provision. 


School started in SC last week, we started today per our tradition of starting the first Monday after Stewart’s birthday.  Homeschooling is different here.  More on that later. 

Outings–with the Nowaks

After the soccer season ends, the plan is always to “get together soon.”
But it doesn’t happen enough.

How special when Lauren and Jocelyn reached out to hang with the girls.
The plan to swim was thwarted by the weather.  Instead they went to FunHouse in Henrietta, and made a quick stop at Lollipop Farm.
