
youth group trip to Carowinds.  Katriel stayed with Frederique and I went with the group for the day. 









It may or may not have been 700F, but Johanna, Katriel and I helped drive some of the youth group to Carowinds amusement park for the day.


The park is partially in SC and partially in NC.


They rode some insane rides.


We enjoyed a silly Snoopy show.


We fought traffic back to our little corner of the world and had a fun dinner at a Pizza Inn in Duncan.


Johanna started her art collection.

On the way home from church, Johanna said that her youth group leaders were in the process of remodeling the youth room.  She said they were getting rid of some of the posters and she had wanted to bring one home.  Her leader told her that she needed to clear it with us, first.  We said that would be fine and didn’t really ask anything about it.

She brought this home tonight, frame and all.


the busy AND THE FUN continues

I have exactly one photo.

I was a driver for the Youth Group progressive dinner.

The kids started at church at 4:30 PM for wild games.  (They were amazing.)

Then we drove to one house for appetizers, one house for the main course, and a third house for dessert and gift exchange.

There were 36 participants.
The night ended after 10PM.

Thankfully, the last house was 5 doors down from mine.  Phew. 

Youth Leadership Training

I know, I know… insert joke here

(1) Don’t you know how to lead youth yet?
(2) Shouldn’t you have done this a decade ago?
(3) Don’t you know you are too old?

Here’s the deal.  God has a great sense of humor. 

If you spend 10 minutes with me you will quickly get the sense that I am Busy.  And while God knows this, He also loves me dearly and knows me intimately.

Last August the youth group congregated at our house for a Wednesday night Swim and Study.  And as I was talking with Jen Fisk and asking her lots of questions I suddenly became aware of the fact that I was not just asking with polite interest, but I was actually being called into the group.  I flushed the idea immediately because I am Very Busy.  And.  I am afraid of teenagers.

But the following Sunday there I was again opening my mouth and telling Jen I wanted to come along side her with the ever growing younger age group (at that time Tiffany was ministering to the older girls and Jen to the younger).  During that same season, Gabby was also coming into the leadership side as she had graduated high school.

I don’t know who was most surprised by my words.  The Youth Pastor, D.L?  His wife Tiffany?  John?  The kids?  Me?  Yeah.  I’m sure we were all wondering, “Are you kidding?”

I went to the first meeting absolutely sure I was going to stand out as a sore thumb.  What did I know about being cool?  Ok.  I don’t know anything about being cool.  I figured I’d have to fake it.  I mean, I’ve pulled off FCWC the last three years, even though I have no idea what I’m doing…

Somehow I made it through the first week, and actually really looked forward to the next week.  Then the next week, I really looked forward to the following week. 

•The games time was hysterical (even that header I took on my face was memorable). 
•I sincerely enjoyed the teaching.  Even though the messages are meant “for the kids” I find myself learning something new every single week. 
•Our small group time was precious.  Gabby and I enjoyed having small group with the 6th and 7th graders; what they shared was truly special.  Answering their questions and encouraging them to share got less scary week after week.  (This year I have grades 6 & 7, Gabby has 8th, Jen has 9th and Tiffany has 10th-12th.)

Somewhere along the way – no idea when – I got the feeling that I wasn’t faking it.  I wasn’t exactly metamorphosed  into a cool person.  But I realized that just being a listener who loved Jesus and who wanted them to love Jesus was a great starting place.  Meanwhile we’ve had some opportunities to learn more about leadership along the way and I feel more and more like God blessed ME the most of anyone in the group.  D.L. equips us with talking points and with the help of the Holy Spirit it’s been rich and wonderful.

So – this photo was taken after a National Youth Leadership simulcast we got to attend.  My mind was blown away and I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend this kind of time with the kids and the other leaders.


Flower City Work Camp 2019

This was the third year I was involved in Flower City Work Camp (FCWC) as an adult leader on a Sidewalk Club.  This was Marie’s second year on a worksite and Tab’s first year on a worksite.

Marie worked on a house in Rochester, laying kitchen tile flooring and doing a lot of painting.  Tabitha went to multiple Heritage Christian Home locations doing work on their facilities.  She mucked horse stalls, spread mulch, and even went dumpster diving (I still need to get that photo from our Youth Pastor.)

Over 700 students and 1000 adults work within this week-long ministry.


My crew, Sidewalk Club D. 


We had locations on Council Street and Woodward Street.


Each morning and evening the students met in the sanctuary for worship, and teaching.  This years theme was “The Greatest” meaning the greatest of these is love.


Tabby had her birthday at camp.  This was the last time I was going to see her as a 12-year old.


Ta Da!  Here she is 13!


By far the best part of Sidewalk Club is telling children how much Jesus loves them and how He has a special plan for their lives.  At least three kids made the decision to follow Christ from our club sites this week.



Youth Group Christmas Party

It was a really busy day.  But there was no better way to end it than to celebrate the season with a Christmas party for the youth group.  We’d spent the fall walking through Jesus’ early ministry and the book of John and this time was set aside to be silly together.

The theme of the annual Youth Group Christmas Party was Your Favorite Movie or Song.  Despite the fact we’d had weeks to prepare it was in the last few minutes before the party that we threw together costumes.

As the minutes ticked by, we came up with these:

Tab was Max from How the Grinch Stole Christmas.


I was a Who from the same movie.


Marie was the mouse that the Grinch didn’t leave enough crumbs for.


Nigel paid homage to his Grinchy friend.


I wasn’t the only Who.



Our friend Megan created this beautiful set of wings and wore bells in tribute to It’s a Wonderful Life.


We played a bunch of games and ate like junk food kings.

Youth Group…

I spent my actual birthday at Impact, our church’s youth group that meets Sunday evenings.  After working alongside teens at Flower City Work Camp these last two years, I shouldn’t have been surprised when the Holy Spirit hit me and told me to ask about coming alongside the other youth leaders to serve in this dynamic ministry.  Our church has seen a strong growth in youth group attendance over the last few years.  About forty kids gather on Sunday evenings and each one has been uniquely created by God.  I want each of them to know how much Jesus loves them and hope to encourage and exhort each one of them.


And – it is also fun to see the Butler kids having fun.